Tag Archives: Johanna Robinson

Homing : Johanna Robinson

‘This novella-in-flash, a historical fiction encompassing the Second World War and telling the story of a Norwegian family from 1933 to 1970, has more epic sweep than many novels. A powerful novella of real substance, bold technique and readerly appeal, it’s the kind of literary fiction that would grace the shelves of any bookstore and find a passionate readership.’
~Michael Loveday, author of Three Men on the Edge

‘Johanna Robinson’s ambitious, sweeping novella shines a provocative light on the timeless beauty of belonging to a family. This author seamlessly juxtaposes moments of love and tenderness against the grim realities of war, and the effect is deeply uplifting.’
~Meg Pokrass, author of Alligators At Night

‘Homing unpacks what it is to maintain longing and hope over five decades in one family. It plays with words and emotions as it zig-zags between flashes that build to form a satisfying, moving insight: the whole far greater than the sum of its parts.’
~Stephanie Hutton, author of Three Sisters of Stone

Paperback; ISBN 978-1-912095-97-1; 196mm x 134mm; 126pp

£9.99 GBP
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